Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions
1. When do you need an eye exam?
When you encounter some unusual ocular signs, you immediately ask the question where is a good eye clinic. Before you stick to your memory of reputable eye examination addresses, you need to remember to immediately go to an eye doctor when you encounter abnormal ocular signs.
According to eye care specialists, regular checkups are always essential. Besides, when you experience the following abnormal signs, you also need to see a doctor immediately.
Frequent chalazion in the eyes: When the eyes have a chalazion, the eyelids are often swollen, painful and uncomfortable. Caused by blocked sebaceous glands causing stagnation and chafing. They may go away after a few days of treatment but can be prolonged. More importantly, this could be a warning sign of sebaceous gland carcinoma. So, when you encounter this situation, you need to see an eye doctor immediately.
Eyebrows fall a lot: When you see this sign, your body may be experiencing too much stress and lack of nutrition. These can also signal hypothyroidism due to a lack of thyroid hormone. See your doctor and get checked out right away.
Blurred eyes: When constantly exposed to computers or phones, eyes often experience eye fatigue and dry eyes that make vision fade. Signs of impaired vision require immediate medical attention. In particular, it is recommended to maintain a regular eye exam schedule to monitor this condition to avoid more serious eye disease.
The white part of the eyes are red: Red irises are often a sign of conjunctivitis. The mistake of many patients is to arbitrarily buy drops without knowing the cause of the disease. Taking the wrong medication can make the situation uncomfortable and take longer to heal. When the irises are red, immediately go to the nearest eye hospital for a doctor to examine and diagnose.
Glare or double vision: Damage to the blood vessels in the light-sensitive retinal tissue causes the eyes to become blurred or double. This can be a cause of diabetes that requires special attention. It is important to see an eye doctor immediately to avoid potentially dangerous strokes.
2. My children over 2 years old, how long is suitable to play ipad/phones/watching tv in a day?
The state of using ipad / phone / watching TV has been scientifically proven to affect the development of children and affect the eyes, both in terms of refractive errors as well as eye diseases. Therefore, young children should not play with ipads, phones or watch TV.
Because when children focus on watching, often do not blink, causing dry eyes, leading to blinking more, in addition can lead to accommodation disorders, myopia, and related symptoms
If it cannot be avoided, be aware of the time and distance of using the above electronic devices.
3. My child usually watching tv from the angle, so what is problem with my child’s eyes?
When a child often look from the side, it can be due to 2 reasons, firstly due to poor eyesight, secondly, due to posture habits. Poor eyesight is more common cause.
Children tilted to see can be due to refractive errors such as nearsightedness, astigmatism, farsightedness, or because of strabismus (when the eyes are not aligned).
When seeing the above conditions, parents should remind the child about the posture, if this still occurs, the child needs to be examined and examined by an ophthalmologist, or optometrist.
4. How should you protect your child’s eyes during summer?
Playing outside is one of the good thingsfor young people because it helps the eyes relax and rest more. However, playing when there are too many ultraviolet rays, also known as UV rays, affects children’s skin and eyes. So when playing outdoors in the sun, besides using skin protection measures and general health, the use of good quality caps, caps, sunglasses helps protect your children’s eyes more. Avoid having children look directly at the sun.
5. Should a child with myopia wear glasses since childhood? or should we allow their eyes to adapt? will wearing glasses affect to my child?
If a child has myopia, optometrist and ophthalmologists will prescribe glasses depending on the amount of myopia and accompanying diseases. Wearing glasses is necessary for children to have comprehensive visual development.
Many parents believe that they do not need to wear glasses when their children are young. Refusing to wear glasses leads to the fact that when their children are older, using glasses does not bring maximum effectiveness.
At a younger age, determining the correct glasses is not simple, so children need to have their eyes checked at specialized center. Wearing the wrong glasses affects the visual development of children.
6. If the children are highly myopic, is any way to help reduce the problem? How do I help my child’s eyes to below?
Myopia, also called nearsightedness, cannot be reduced. However, the myopia control methods can prevent myopia from increasing too quickly or not starting.
The world is full of research to prevent the progression of myopia and the onset of myopia.
Changing lifestyle as follow can help prevent the progression of myopia:
+ Increase the time of outdoor activities
+ When studying, reading, and looking close enough light and keep a distance, avoid letting your child look too close
+ Reduce time spent indoors, looking up close, using electronic devices
+ Eating habits and adequate food, eating lots of green vegetables, fruits and vegetables rich in vitamin A help keep eyes healthy
In addition, there are also methods to prevent myopia progression in Vietnam, such as using contact lenses at night ORTHOK, using drops, and using specially designed glasses.
7. At what ages can children use orthok – overnight wear contact lens?
The use of over nightwear contact lens, also known as OrthoK or orthokeratology, does not limit the patient’s age. OrthoK is one of the effective methods in controlling myopia effectively in children.
Optometrists and Ophthalmologists will indicate children with signs of increasing myopia to use OrthoK contact lenses.
The appropriate age to use this method is usually from 8 years old or older when the child is old enough to coordinate with parents and doctors during the examination.